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E A R T H   S T O R M

T H E   N E X T   D A N C E


Words don't work so I've gone for powerful images in my new "Earth Storm" series. It's about maximum impact to spark a bit of adrenalin into the heart of the bravest big wave surfer and anyone else willing to take a look. I suppose there's one good thing about global warming and catastrophic weather events: The storms are bigger so the waves are bigger and with melting of the global ice reservoir and sea level rise, surfers get more ocean to play in... I will miss those beautiful golden beaches though, and the golden age of surfing. A1 Posters available - Click image

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Steve Fitz is an artist painting a vivid picture, an environmentalist and activist.

I acknowledge the Worimi People, traditional owners of the land where my studio now stands.

Hoot Gallery Est. 2007 © Copyright 2025

Studio: 41 Crawford Street, Bulahdelah 2423 NSW

E: Mob: 0406 581 132


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